
Showing posts from February, 2019

~*BOOK REVIEW*~ HER by Britney King

~*BOOK REVIEW*~ HER by Britney King Add to #Goodreads TBR: #BuyLinks: Amazon US: Amazon UK: 3.5 **** Um, what did I just read? It was kind of motivational yet creepy and controlling... and very confusing. Even now, as I’ve finished the book, I’m completely confused on what went on. By the ending of the story, you’re thrown into so much at once that you don’t know which to follow and to me, that didn’t work. With psychological thrillers, they have to be completely perfect, right to the end. But this one missed a lot and jumped to everything so quickly I even went back a few pages to see if I’d missed something. The end quarter of the book, for me, was rushed.  But... I did like the characters, though Ann drove me nuts and why Sadie would even want to be friends with such a human being, I’d never know! Everything that came to light, in the end, was a ...

~*BOOK REVIEW*~ The Promise by Theresa Driscoll

~*BOOK REVIEW*~ The Promise by Theresa Driscoll Add to #Goodreads TBR: #BuyLinks: Amazon US: Amazon UK: 3 *** I've never written anything in my reviews that's been dishonest, and I'm not going to start now. I didn't enjoy this book and struggled to reach the end. But, I persevered. I can't say I'm glad I did because I was sorely disappointed in the "BIG REVEAL". 'The Promise' was made out to be something truly, truly bad. So when it came out what that promise was? I wasn't that surprised because of the lead up to it. It wasn't an 'OMG' moment, nor was it I 'grip the edge of your seat' moment. Yes, it was terrible but it wasn't what I expected. This whole story lacked the OOMPH factor that makes a psychological thriller; though maybe my standards of this genre is set quite high. Don't get me wrong, ...

~*BOOK REVIEW*~ My Husband's Wives by Faith Hogan

~*BOOK REVIEW*~ My Husband’s Wives by Faith Hogan Add to #Goodreads TBR: #BuyLinks: Amazon US: Amazon UK: 5 ***** I’m not one who usually reader woman’s literature or general fiction but this was utterly beautiful. It was commanding and gentle all at once and the characters completely stole my heart.  The story, contrary to what the title makes you believe, is sweet, light-hearted and stunning. The writer has complete control over every word and sentence throughout the story and it had me riveted to the spot every time I opened it up. It was definitely a struggle to put down, that’s for sure.  The characters had immediately set themselves into my heart from the get go; Evie, Grace and Analiese were the perfect candidates for the subject, each vastly different though very similar. Evie holds a special place in my heart though, the first wife, the first sco...

~*BOOK REVIEW*~ Roma Queen by Callie Hart

~*BOOK REVIEW*~ Roma Queen by Callie Hart​ Add to #Goodreads TBR: #BuyLinks Amazon US - Amazon UK - Amazon AU - Amazon CA - 5 ***** Okay, I thought I LOVED Roma King, but Roma Queen is ten notches higher on the richter scale compared to book one. This... this story blew me left, right and up and down, it's incredibly dramatic and I found myself squealing out loud (much to the annoyance of my husband, I might add). Roma King was amazing but Roma Queen is EXTRAORDINARY. If I could give this more than 5 stars, I would. I was devastated when Roma King ended the way it did; I almost threw my kindle across the room. Thankfully, us readers weren't left waiting long and boy was it worth the wait! Rom Baro Pasha and the red-headed beauty, Zara, otherwise known at 'Firefly', were the most incredible characters ...

~*BOOK REVIEW*~ Miss Not Together by Belle Brooks

~*BOOK REVIEW*~ Miss Not Together by Belle Brooks Add to #Goodreads TBR: #BuyLinks: Amazon: Barnes & Noble: Kobo: iTunes: 3 *** While I was invested in to story, it was mainly because of the author’s writing style rather than the story itself. It felt a it hurried and rushed; one minute something is going on and the next we’re at a different scene. I felt that there was some chunks missing from the story.  Hilary is a sweet, lovable character but at the same tome, she’s too argumentative and I found that quite off-putting cause, to me, I didn’t feel that that fit her personality at all. Grayson was harder to get invested in. Although I like the characters to have a bit of mystery, I found his was lacking in something. The characters all felt a bit flat and boring but I did like Freddy, though he acted more like a ...

~*BOOK REVIEW*~ Never Tell by Lisa Gardner

~*BOOK REVIEW*~ Never Tell by Lisa Gardner Add to #Goodreads TBR: Pre-order Links: Amazon US: Amazon UK: 5 ***** Another fantastic addition to Lisa Gardner’s collection. The plot was fantastically thought out along with the epic twist at the end. You honestly can’t fault this book anywhere. The level of research that had gone into making this an incredible story bleeds through the pages and you certainly learn a lot of things, that’s for sure! The characters were all well thought out, I’m still not keen on D.D. Warren, I still think her attitude stink and her method of policing isn’t great but she makes for great reading. Love Evie, I felt sorry for her from the get go even though we don’t know what’s happened or why yet. She seems sweet and adorable. Flora is still a mystery for me; in my opinion of her, I mean. I liked her and I liked her smart and sassy behaviour but t...