~*BOOK REVIEW*~ My Husband's Wives by Faith Hogan


My Husband’s Wives by Faith Hogan

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5 *****

I’m not one who usually reader woman’s literature or general fiction but this was utterly beautiful. It was commanding and gentle all at once and the characters completely stole my heart. 

The story, contrary to what the title makes you believe, is sweet, light-hearted and stunning. The writer has complete control over every word and sentence throughout the story and it had me riveted to the spot every time I opened it up. It was definitely a struggle to put down, that’s for sure. 

The characters had immediately set themselves into my heart from the get go; Evie, Grace and Analiese were the perfect candidates for the subject, each vastly different though very similar. Evie holds a special place in my heart though, the first wife, the first scorned. It’s not just her age or beauty that drew me to her but her motherly ways and her ultimate shyness and fragility. She became a fast favourite for me along with Kasia, further into the book. 

A wonderful read, very gripping and beautiful. Highly recommended if you want something light, with a bit of heavy, to read. Definitely a perfect holiday read. 


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