~*BOOK REVIEW*~ The Promise by Theresa Driscoll


The Promise by Theresa Driscoll

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3 ***

I've never written anything in my reviews that's been dishonest, and I'm not going to start now. I didn't enjoy this book and struggled to reach the end. But, I persevered. I can't say I'm glad I did because I was sorely disappointed in the "BIG REVEAL". 'The Promise' was made out to be something truly, truly bad. So when it came out what that promise was? I wasn't that surprised because of the lead up to it. It wasn't an 'OMG' moment, nor was it I 'grip the edge of your seat' moment. Yes, it was terrible but it wasn't what I expected. This whole story lacked the OOMPH factor that makes a psychological thriller; though maybe my standards of this genre is set quite high.

Don't get me wrong, the characters were fab. They were interesting and great to read about and the author's writing style was good, but it wasn't amazing... it could have been a lot better. I loved Beth, though I found some of the things she said or did to be rather childish (especially for her adult age). Sally was sweet and kind, she was by the far the best character in this story, along with Matthew. My heart ached for him, that's for sure.

I'm giving it a 3 star mainly because the ending (chapter before the epilogue) was great and I didn't see much of that happening and that was a lovely surprise, cause honestly? I was feeling a bit bummed about the whole thing.

Good penmanship and characters but not a great story.


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