~*BOOK REVIEW*~ Roma Queen by Callie Hart


Roma Queen by Callie Hart​

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5 *****

Okay, I thought I LOVED Roma King, but Roma Queen is ten notches higher on the richter scale compared to book one. This... this story blew me left, right and up and down, it's incredibly dramatic and I found myself squealing out loud (much to the annoyance of my husband, I might add).

Roma King was amazing but Roma Queen is EXTRAORDINARY. If I could give this more than 5 stars, I would. I was devastated when Roma King ended the way it did; I almost threw my kindle across the room. Thankfully, us readers weren't left waiting long and boy was it worth the wait!

Rom Baro Pasha and the red-headed beauty, Zara, otherwise known at 'Firefly', were the most incredible characters I've read about in a long while. They're the right amount of intriguing to make them extra interesting and I have to say, Zara surprise the heck out of me near the end! YOU GO, GIRL!!

I'll admit though, that it did take me a little while to get into the story but once I was stuck in, I was completely hooked. I forgot about everything around me and was completely invested in the story, the characters and the drama. I think I found it hard to begin with because it went into a long intimate scene almost straight away and I wasn't ready for that; after Roma King, I wanted the story and the theatrics, not a sexual scene straight up. And the scene was rather long winded.

The story itself was impeccably written, no faults in the storyline that made me scratch my head or confuse me and I loved that. It was smooth sailing, though highly entertaining and heart-racing-inducing. It was perfection.

I love this author's writing style and I won't be stopping at this series. I need more of Callie Hart's words, and I will!.

Amazingly written, well put together, a great amount of research taken to get the Roma culture correct and a story that was unbelievably addicting. AMAZING!!


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