~*BOOK REVIEW*~ Never Tell by Lisa Gardner
Never Tell by Lisa Gardner
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5 *****
Another fantastic addition to Lisa Gardner’s
collection. The plot was fantastically thought out along with the epic twist at
the end. You honestly can’t fault this book anywhere. The level of research
that had gone into making this an incredible story bleeds through the pages and
you certainly learn a lot of things, that’s for sure!
The characters were all well thought out, I’m still not keen on D.D. Warren, I
still think her attitude stink and her method of policing isn’t great but she
makes for great reading. Love Evie, I felt sorry for her from the get go even
though we don’t know what’s happened or why yet. She seems sweet and adorable.
Flora is still a mystery for me; in my opinion of her, I mean. I liked her and
I liked her smart and sassy behaviour but there was just something odd about
her that I just can’t put my finger on. There were many characters in this
story so it’s a little hard to keep up. Even by the end, I was struggling to
remember who characters were.
This author’s writing style is exceptional and seem to progress with the more
books she releases and I like that. You think they can’t get any better and all
of a sudden they pull a whopper of a book out there back pockets and we’re soon
gripped, hooked, enticed and emotionally attached to the story... more so than
previous books.
Overall, this book deserves more than 5 stars but as we can only rate that
much, then so be it. But I highly recommend reading this story! you’ll be
gripped from the very beginning. The very first page. The very first
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