~*BOOK REVIEW*~ The Rebel of Raleigh High by Callie Hart

~*BOOK REVIEW*~ The Rebel of Raleigh High by Callie Hart Add to #Goodreads TBR ↓ http:// bit.ly/2DwPRpd #BuyLinks : Amazon US - https://amzn.to/2GPxeyR Amazon UK - https://amzn.to/2ULlyka Amazon AU - https://amzn.to/2LihoRI Amazon CA - https://amzn.to/2GSkLcD 5 ***** Another AMAZING book from Callie Hart. This one has to be my absolute favourites! It's written to perfection with so much drama and romance that you'll be GLUED to your kindle screens, attention completely attached to the words. It's extremely descriptive which means in places, it's really hard to read... especially the whole story regarding what happened to Silver Parisi 9 months beforehand. That... that I struggled so hard with. I think it may have been just a little too descriptive on that part and I really didn't want to read that part. MAINLY because it's a trigger for myself, but because my heart HURT for Silver. So much...