~*BOOK REVIEW*~ Sweet Little Lies by Caz Frear


Sweet Little Lies by Caz Frear

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5 *****

I wish I had read this BEFORE the second book!! Even though they can be read as standalones, the second book makes more sense after reading this one. But... drum roll... I didn’t deflect me from enjoying the heck out of this story. It was brilliant and I’m so in love with this author’s writing style. 

I love crime thrillers, and this author has definitely shuffled herself straight into my top 5. I was hooked from the first sentence and struggled to put my kindle down. The authors style and deliberate descriptions really help us readers to integrate ourselves into the story like we’re flies on the wall, watching the action. I feel I know the characters personally and the setting of London itself quite intimately. 

The characters were a mix match bunch of personalities; each one having their own enjoyable, and at times, relatable, quirks. I still find that Cat Kinsella herself is rather depressed as that how she comes across, but now I know more of her background, I can understand for clearly. 
Again, Luigi is my favourite character, as he is in book two too. I love his fatherly ways and how he’s taken Kinsella under his proverbial wing. 

This author is definitely a top 5 and I’ve definitely become a HUGE fan. Not just for her incredibly beautiful writing style but her explosive storylines and vigorous descriptive details but because of ALL of these mixed in together with likeable and unlikeable characters. Also, I love how she’s able to keep us readers on her toes to the VERY end and she’s also left quite a hole. Where is Leo?


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