~*BOOK REVIEW*~ Stone Cold Heart by Caz Frear

Stone Cold Heart by Caz Frear

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5 *****
I think I've found another author to add to my top 10 favourite crime/thriller list! This books was addicting, full of suspense and shrouded in mystery. The writing was spot on though I found the main character, Cat Kinsella, was quite depressing lacked a lot of empathy. 
The story was soooo good! Well portrayed and researched, not rushed in any way (it was extremely well paced) and I felt my brain was scrambling for answers thought it got more and more twisted as the book approached the end. I like that in a book. I love being kept completely in the dark the whole way through. I loved the guessing game that this book makes your mind play. I LOVED Luigi's character! He was quite funny, a fatherly figure to the majority of the team and he was genuine.
Rachel, Joseph, Kirstie, Cara and Marcus - Great character, well described with explosive personalities. I loved the lies, the deceit and the deception each one of them held.
Honestly, this book was SOOOO good that I'm going to go grab another of this author's books and squeeze it into my schedule. Not only because this book absolutely ROCKED, but because the author's writing style was superb. This author definitely knows how to draw the reader in, keep them invested in the book and definitely keeps readers turning the pages. I lost myself in this story and I urge people who LOVE crime thrillers to pick this up and give it a chance. I can almost guarantee you guys will fall in love with the book as much as I did!
Overall... one of the best books I've read this year so far.


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