~*BOOK REVIEW*~ Million Dollar Musician by RB Hilliard


Million Dollar Musician by RB Hilliard

All to #Goodreads TBR: http://bit.ly/2KlnL6e


5 *****

Wow. Wow. Wow! Another amazing Rockstar Romance from RB Hilliard. I love her work, her style and all her characters. I was addicted to her Meltdown series and I’m so glad all the characters are revisited in this one. 

Most of the way through, my rating was stuck at 4 stars because I found the first quarter of the books was extremely rushed and I felt we were being zooming through the story instead of getting to meet the main characters properly and also because I couldn’t tell if Wynne’s name was pronounced ‘winnie’ or ‘wine’ and it was frustrating. Anyone know how to pronounce it? I just called her WINNIE in my head. 


I LOVED Sander and Wynne though, they were a great power couple, even though they were fighting more than anything. Where was the love they felt for each other? I couldn’t FEEL it through the words on the page. But nevertheless, these characters ended up being extraordinarily endearing and charismatic. I loved them. I didn’t like Wynne’s best friend, Carrie, or her parents but hey-ho. As always, I loved the Meltdown crew and Olivia! It was so good to see more of them. (I was totally scared I’d never get my Meltdown gang fix!). 

Drama. This was amazing. There was so much of it, and it was addicting. Every inch of drama portrayed in this story was executed to perfection and I was so not ready to finish it!

The writing style was on point and enamouring. It really draws us, the readers, in from the very first page and books us to the end. 

Speaking of the ending, I’m sorely disappointed in it because it feels like it’s been left unfinished. I wanted, NEEDED, more of these two but it ends quite abruptly with no real understanding of the complete outcome. My question is, will there be a book 2? A follow up!? My fingers and toes are firmly crossed.


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