~*BOOK REVIEW*~ Little White Lies by Philippa East Add to Goodreads TBR: http://bit.ly/2qdiqVj Pre-order Links: RELEASING February 4, 2020! Amazon US: https://amzn.to/2r1JV44 Amazon UK: https://amzn.to/2D0mBWZ 5 ***** This book has to be my second most favourite book I've ever read. It's incredibly insightful and cleverly put together. This author knows how to keep her readers hooked to every word, every page and every detail. My mind has officially been blown with this psychological thriller. And it's definitely one I recommend if you love twists and turns, cleverness and tenseness. This story has it ALL. Anne, Abigail, Jess, Lillian, Robert, Fraser, Preston, Laurie & Sam, were all FANTASTIC characters. Preston wasn't mentioned so much, but as Abigail's father, I thought to include him in the list. Laurie & Sam too, Abigail's little twin brothers because they had a small impact later in the book. Abi...
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