~*BOOK REVIEW*~ Tabloid Princess by Anna Bloom


Tabloid Princess by Anna Bloom

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5 *****

This book is an absolutely gold-mine!! It’s ‘utterly’ fabulous, hysterically funny and extremely addictive. I could sit here and read it all over again and laugh in the same places, swoon in the right places and sob in certain places. Boy, was this book a mega rollercoaster!

Absolutely adored Leia though at times she did act a little like a stroppy teenager which made me roll my eyes. But I can also understand, her background is daunting and upsetting and she wants to keep Daisy safe. BUT... I also think she’s a little melodramatic about everything. Still love her... she’s definitely my spirit woman.
Now Prince Oliver.... anyone got a fan? You’ll need it. This guy is like no other prince; not only is he spectacularly good looking, but his caring manner and big heart really hit me square in the chest.

I need more of these characters as this book was left ‘open ended’.... crisis of the century, because I want to know what happens next.

This is the first book I’ve had the pleasure to read from Anna Bloom and I’m wondering why the hell I’ve never read her work before. She has a wonder style, definitely knows how to word things and make it funnier than I think intended. One of the most talented authors I’ve ever read.

BUY THIS BOOK!! I promise, you’ll not be disappointed and you’ll have a wicked time reading Leia’s craziness and everything that comes with it!

Bring on the next book!


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