~*BOOK REVIEW*~ The Game You Play by L.A. Cotton


The Game You Play by L.A. Cotton

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5 *****

I’ve been so excited for this book! And boy was it worth it! It’s steamy, it’s angsty, it’s addictive and it’s heart/poundingly brilliant.

The story is mainly consists of a cat and mouse game between Felicity and Jason; it’s like foreplay. In parts it rendered me speechless and in others it had me squealing with joy... especially at the end!

Felicity is such a crazy, delightful character that you really can’t help but love her. She’s soft, she’s a little nuts and she’s herself. She certainly wears her heart on her sleeve... unlike Jason Ford. He’s her polar opposite; tough, cruel, cold and indifferent. The way he treats her is a little rubbish, and if I was Fee, I wouldn’t go near him again. But the heart wants what the heart wants right?

The storyline was on point and flowed easily. It was definitely addictive, much like book one in the series, and it will definitely have you shaking your head at the characters’ antics.

Love love love this author and all her books. They’re always so incredible and amazing to read and I don’t think she’ll ever right a book that I hate. But this one was awesome! The amount of football research that must have gone into this series is astounding but the author nailed everything on the head easily.



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