~*BOOK REVIEW*~ The Bad Place by M.K. Hill


The Bad Place by M.K. Hill

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4 ****

However much I really enjoyed this book, some of the language from the characters was absolutely awful. Using the word ‘innit’ from a police officer just made me cringe. The storyline itself was something I couldn’t fault; it was gripping, thrilling, mind-ogling and intense. Everything you need in this genre. But the language was just bad and shouldn’t have been used.

The characters were quite the mix! Sasha, a mother in complete turmoil and with no control of her family, a police officer who’s actually nice to work with (her seniority over her team didn’t matter, she treated everyone the same... except when she had a massive go at Lolly and Craig.. bit OTT) and she’s loyal to fault. Near the end she was brave, courageous and stupid. But the ending was great, the author knows how to get readers on to the edge of their seats, biting their nails. He knows how to keep a reader form putting down their devices. You really can’t fault the writing in the storyline.
I thought Craig Powers was a little bit of an... yeah. I though he was rather pig-headed and arrogant and definitely not a team player.
Karin, Lydia, Paul, Simon and Michelle - the Bad Place kids. They all had their quirks and their faults but they made for interesting and intriguing characters. I guessed who/what happened with Lydia straight away. It was made rather obvious which was a disappointment.

The story was interesting and intriguing and definitely intense. It’s one you’ll struggle to put down, one you’ll say ‘just one more chapter’ and ends up being six more. It’s definitely worth picking up and indulging in the words. They’re very descriptive and in places evasive. But it was fantastic and fabulous. I honestly couldn’t praise this book enough. Unfortunately, due to the way the author wrote how officers talked drove me insane and I had to knock off a star.. but that’s the only reason. The story itself is worth it.

The author is new to me and I’m definitely looking forward to reading more about Sasha Dawson and her crazy life.


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