~*BOOK REVIEW*~ Flame by Chelle Bliss

~*BOOK REVIEW*~ Flame by Chelle Bliss Add to #Goodreads TBR: menofinked.com/flame-tbr #BuyLinks: Amazon US: https://amzn.to/2kTkwGY Amazon UK: https://amzn.to/2mmH7Mw Amazon Worldwide: mybook.to/heatwave1 Apple Books: menofinked.com/flame-apple Nook: menofinked.com/flame-nook Kobo: menofinked.com/flame-kobo Google: menofinked.com/flame-google 4.5 ***** I’ve never rated Chells Bliss’ books under a full 5 stars but I had to with one. I love the men of inked series and all the original characters, but I feel, in this book, we see them in a new light.... and not in a nice way. I used to like Izzy, just, but now I just can’t stand her. And I don’t like the way they all PATRONISED Gigi all the time by calling her ‘little girl’.... she’s 21. Apart from that, the story was pure FIRE. It was full of drama and those hot scenes? Phew, I needed a fan on me cause it was steaming! It’s weird reading about Gigi all grown up and ha...