~*BOOK REVIEW*~ The Trouble With You by L.A. Cotton


The Trouble With You by L.A. Cotton

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5 *****

I’ve been so excited for this book! I’m a huge fan of L.A. Cotton and I’ve noticed her books get better and better each time. This one.... this was the best book I’ve read from this author and it was spectacular!

I LOVED Hailee! She was a hardened, protective girl with walls of armour built around her because her step-brother, Jase, is an a-hole towards her. But she can hold her own; she’s brave, fierce and independent and can definitely give as good as she gets. I liked Felicity but I didn’t like that she kept secrets from her best-friend when she demanded to know all of Hailee’s. Loved Cameron, though there was one scene that made me think ‘why the hell would he do that? Why did Hailee forgive him for it?’ But he ended up being a great character with a bursting personality. 

The storyline was brilliant; nicely paced and easy to follow. I was completely hooked from the very first page and barely put the book down!! 

The author’s style is fabulous, she knows how to draw the reader in and keep them hooked until the very end. Amazing books. Amazing characters. Amazing style. Amazing storyline.


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