~*BOOK REVIEW*~ The Last Widow by Karin Slaughter


The Last Widow by Karin Slaughter

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RELEASING JUNE 13, 2019!!!

5 *****

It feels like I've been waiting a lifetime for this book but boy was the wait worth it! It's incredibly dramatic, scarily realistic and adrenaline-fuelled story. There's a lot of scientific stuff in it though which I found super hard to follow, but I also feel like I've learned a few things too.

Will Trent and Sara Linton are two of my top favourite characters I've ever had the pleasure of reading and their characters were completely flawless in this new addition to the Will Trent series. Sara, with her caring and loving nature, really makes you feel her emotions, from being scared, fierce, in turmoil, sad and in places, happy. Will, with his usual silent ways was ever the mystery but that make him all the more tantalising to follow. The secondary characters, Faith and Amanda, who we know from previous books, weren't really in this a lot but they had great roles!

This whole storylie was epic, deadly and had that horrific sense of realism - making you feel like this sort of terrorism can actually happen. It's a thrill seeking read, quite gut-twisting and emotional, and it flowed perfectly from scene to scene. Dash, Carter, Novak, Hurley, Gwen, Lance, Dobie... all those characters that we follow in this book makes your insides turn with fear. They're bad, in the worst possible way.

As always, this author's penmanship was INCREDIBLE!! Her style draws the reader in, keeps them hooked and then, right at the very end, spits you back out and you're left reeling after all the events that took place. I'm in complete awe of this author and have been reading her work since my teens. And she just gets better and better, more imaginative and more in-depth detail with each book she produces.

Now, for the wait for book #10. I'm excited, are you?


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