~*BOOK REVIEW*~ The Roommate Agreement by Emma Hart


The Roommate Agreement by Emma Hart

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5 *****

What a great, humour-filled story! The antics of Shelby and Jay had me doubled over with laughter in many places. 

This book is HIGH in amusement factor and HIGH in the perfect, hot AF alpha. But unfortunately, Shelby’s character really let me down. Hence the missing star. I didn’t like her, at all, and she’s irritated the heck out of me. Like, if she was a fly, I may just squish her. I couldn’t bypass my dislike for her character enough to award this book 5 full stars; like I’ve done previously for this author’s work. 

Jay was a fabulous character. Definitely got the ‘Male Slob’ down-pat and yet he changed. Can’t all men be like that? *Sigh*. He’s just totally dreamy but I don’t see what he sees in Shelby. I’m an introvert and don’t particularly like being around people at all, but I’m glad to be nothing like her. She’s wired funny and when Jay says she’s crazy... she really is bonkers. And not in a good way. 

The story itself was spot on though, but in places it seemed quite inconsistent. It was funny and addictive and I laughed way to hard in places. Especially when Shelby’s dad catches a snipe of her and Brie’s conversation one day - that, my friends, is the reason I’m wearing half my can of coke down my PJ top. Too friggin’ funny. 

I just love this author’s writing style though. It always draws me straight into the story and the pace was great and easy to follow. The banter and jokes between characters were hilarious and, you have been warned, you’ll need to wear Tena Ladies for this story. 

Amazing read but let down by the book’s heroine.


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