~*BOOK REVIEW*~ The Mark by Heather Burnside


The Mark by Heather Burnside

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RELEASING 13th June 2019

3.5 ****

I was really looking forward to reading this book, and though is was good, it lacked emotion which made it for more of a boring read instead of an edge-of-your-seat, keep-you-guessing kind of book. I’m not saying the whole story was completely boring, it really wasn’t, especially the final 25% when I felt it got better, had a bit of emotion behind the words and it was suspenseful in the end. But it’s a book that you’ll guess ‘it’ right away. 

The characters were pretty bad, but I think that’s because of the way they spoke or acted and it wasn’t quite realistic in places. I did like Maddy, a little bit, but found she was quite the loose cannon, easily coerced (especially for a journalist), and extremely naive considering her line of work. The other characters who surrounded her were either lacking in sense, emotion or description. I did find Crystal to be quite the perfect picture for a working girl and I think her character is the one I liked the most, along with Ruby. 

The story itself was slow but in places it was rushed and confusing, but otherwise easy to follow. All the juicy drama is in the last quarter of the book and that’s what pushed my star level up. I think this author has taste for drama but not the backstory or the lead up though this book has certainly not put me off reading more. Especially now that I’ve finished this and I’m acquainted with her style of writing. 

Maybe in the future, when I read this again, my views will change but for the mean time, I really wished there was more oomph and emotion behind the words on the pages. 

Good story, okay characters, a ‘bored’ kinda style of writing at the beginning but gets better and more interesting halfway through. 


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