~*BOOK REVIEW*~ A Version of the Truth by B.P. Walter


A Version of the Truth by B.P. Walter

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4 ****

An incredibly twisted, dramatic and gripping story indeed!

Thought by the end, with everything Ernest explained etc, I found it all to be a little unbelievable and I feel the story was left at place that could have been expanded so we know what actually ends up happening. We, the readers, are left with many a question as to what the heck happens next... and most of the time, I like that. But it didn’t work for this storyline, that’s just my opinion. 

Another thing I wasn’t fond of, at all, was the way some of most of it was written ‘one has to know ones true self’ etc etc. I can’t stand that style at all. But the rest of the story was written really well and I enjoyed this book a lot. 

I despised the majority of the characters, except Holly and Julieanne. They’re the only two characters that I liked throughout this. Hell, I didn’t even like Julieanne’s mother. 

Overall, it’s a great suspense/thriller novel but could have been so much better!


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