~*BOOK REVIEW*~ Catastrophe Queen by Emma Hart


Catastrophe Queen by Emma Hart

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5 *****

Anyone that rates this less than 5 needs their heads checked because this rom-com was astoundingly hilarious, gripping and I’ve not laughed so hard at a book in a long time. This story is full of sarcasm, wit and banter that will even make the biggest comedian chuckle. 

The characters were so fun, even Cameron! Most authors write CEO’s of places as immensely hot and stuck up but Emma Hart wrote him perfectly. He was quirky in his own way, fun and insta-loveable. Mallory was just too funny. Her clumsy behaviour, wit, epic sarcasm and terrible flirting skills had me nearly peeing myself from laughter. She’s definitely got the quirk that will make you love her instantly; much like Cameron. I also loved her whacky elders, her mum was epically embarrassing yet loving and Mallory and Jades banter was hilarious. Honestly, this book was so frickin’ smooth that even the best of the best rom-com authors would be jealous. 

It flowed so well, it wasn’t rushed nor was it drawn out. It was PERFECT. I binge read this and I’m kinda gutted I did now because I just didn’t want it to end. 

This is the first book I’ve read from Emma Hart and it certainly won’t be my last if her other books are as funny as this one. 

Highly recommended, though I advise you to wear some tena ladies in case of accidental peeing.


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