~*BOOK REVIEW*~ Until Cobi by Aurora Rose Reynolds


Until Cobi by Aurora Rose Reynolds

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4 ****

I’m so glad this book picked up from ‘Until Harmony’, if it was any of the other books in the series, I would have been hella confused as I’ve only read ‘Until Harmony’.

I was left with many a question from that book and found I didn’t enjoy it as much as I had hoped, this one though was pretty spot on. Though, at the beginning, Hadley did my absolute head in. The unnecessary lying and pushing was a little OTT for me and her friendship with Brie - the way the spoke to each other - was annoying. If my bestie spoke to me like that, she wouldn’t be my bestie!

I fell in love with Cobi from the very first page. He’s a little arrogant, but that’s manageable and done just right but he was WAY TOO protective. I could never deal with someone telling me what to do like he did with Hadley. Especially the girls’ night out. What a cray cray loon he is he. 

Loved all the secondary characters and I’m definitely looking forward to reading the previous books in this series. I love love love Cobi’s parents and their straight forward attitude and non-prudish ways. And I was a big fan of Maxim the dog. *inserts huge grin here*

The story itself, compared to ‘Until Harmony’, was tame with no massive ‘WOW’ moments, but it was sweet, and hot hot hot in places too! I liked learning Hadley’s background; my heart truly ACHED for her. And I really enjoyed the epilogues at the end. 

This book will frustrate you, yet warm your heart and melt your insides. This author is incredibly talented with words and her imagination knows no bounds. Beautiful story with a few minor irritations. 

Oh, and as a side note, what happened with Hadley’s father? With the wallet thing? I don’t want to say much more, I don’t want to spoil things for anyone else.


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