~*BOOK REVIEW*~ My Name is Anna by Lizzy Barber

My Name is Anna by Lizzy Barber

Add to #Goodreads TBR: https://bit.ly/2F0Yyv3


5 *****

The price of this book is way too steep, even though this is definitely a 5 star read, that price is a bit ridiculous. So thank you Netgalley for my copy.

Wow, wow, wow! When I read the blurb to this book I just HAD to read it, and boy am I glad I did! The characters were perfect, the story was amazing; twisty, turny and UNBELIEVABLY awesome.

I was not expecting this to be such an amazing read, but it was... I'm still so speechless about it. The author's writing style is brilliant; draws the reader in from the first page, keeps the readers hooked, describes everything to perfection. Anna was such an amazing character to read about, and as her story unfolds, you're left with your jaw dropped onto the floor.

I can't praise this book enough, an amazing psychological thriller, a definite page turned and one you won't be able to put down. AMAZING!


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