~*BOOK REVIEW*~ Misadventures with a Professor by Sierra Simone


Misadventures with a Professor by Sierra Simone

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5 *****

I love these Misadventure books, by all the authors involved, and I absolutely adored this one! It was hot, kinky, spanky and sexy. 

I liked Oliver’s bloodiness and I loved Zandy’s innocence and I loved how two people that are complete opposites, except for their love of books, connected on so many levels. In was incredibly beautiful and a whole lotta erotic. I wish there was more story and less intimate scenes but I’ve come to learn from these books that you grab what you can get because each individual Author’s style of writing is fabulous.

I’ve not read any of this author’s works before, but now I’m thinking maybe I should. I was drawn in from the very first page and fell in love with the characters and everything about them. 

An amazing delightful and sinful read, for sure!


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