~*BOOK REVIEW*~ When You See Me by Lisa Gardner

~*BOOK REVIEW*~ When You See Me by Lisa Gardner Add to #Goodreads TBR: http://bit.ly/38fb056 Pre-order Links: Amazon US: https://amzn.to/34UdfZn Amazon UK: https://amzn.to/34YMq6n 5 ***** I was so excited when I got approved for this! I’ve been a huge fan of Lisa Gardner since my late teens and I squealed like a child at Christmas when I was given this opportunity to read this! *insert love heart eye emojis here*. I don’t think Lisa Gardner is capable of producing a rubbish book with awful storyline! I’ve seen with each book that her passion, her imagination and her research have gotten extraordinarily better and better and from book one, you’d think she couldn’t get much better; she’s always been extremely gifted with thrillers that’ll keep you guessing. This one is one of those ones where you’re brain gets completely invested in to storyline, the characters and the plot. You get completely hooked and hang there in suspense. ...