~*BOOK REVIEW*~ The Girl I Used To Know by Faith Hogan

~*BOOK REVIEW*~ The Girl I Used To Know by Faith Hogan Add to #Goodreads TBR: http://bit.ly/2JLB7Xa #BuyLinks: Amazon: https://amzn.to/2JF2sLJ Kobo: http://bit.ly/2W78zzb Google Play: http://bit.ly/2Wo4qWD 5 ***** I’m lost for words. This book was so beautiful, heart-wrenching, emotionally charged and enigmatic! The feelings that flooded me with each page was all-consuming. The words were to beautifully and intricately put together and pulls the reader in, makes you feel as if you’re part of Ireland - whether in Ballycove or on Swift Square in Dublin, it doesn’t matter. I’m in awe of this author’s fabulous penmanship and how she creates these characters and brings them to life. The characters were fantastic to read about, though Amanda started off as a snobby, upper-class woman but she ends up being someone likeable, happy and content in life. Tess is my spirit woman, she’s feisty and independent but also, in the end, caring a...