~*BOOK REVIEW*~ Wicked Needs by L.A. Cotton

~* BOOK REVIEW *~ Wicked Needs by L.A. Cotton Add to #Goodreads TBR https://bit.ly/2Q1o0l2 #BuyLinks Amazon US: https://amzn.to/2PpALJe Amazon UK: https://amzn.to/2z5aIwK 5 ***** I've been looking forward to this so much, and it definitely didn't disappoint! It's extremely addictive, you've been warned. Honestly, I couldn't put this book down. It was great to get to read these characters, and get more in depth with them. Macey has always been mysterious in the previous books and I'm so glad the author decided to let readers into her world, her mind. Macey Prince is an extremely complex character, and to be honest, I wasn't fond of her at all... I found she acted a lot like a toddler instead of someone in high school, but I get it. She's been through a lot... but still. I loved that the previous characters in this series were brought back into the fold; Maverick, Eloise, Kyle, Laurie (sort of!) and Kie...